Dashboard > Log Monitor
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
About the Packet Detail Window
When you click on a packet in the Captured Packets window, the packet header fields are
displayed in the Packet Detail window. The display will vary depending on the type of packet
that you select.
About the Hex Dump Window
When you click on a packet in the Captured Packets window, the packet data is displayed in
hexadecimal and ASCII format in the Hex Dump window. The hex format is shown on the left
side of the window, with the corresponding ASCII characters displayed to the right for each line.
When the hex value is zero, the ASCII value is displayed as a dot.
Dashboard > Log Monitor
Note For increased convenience and accessibility, the Log Monitor page can be accessed either
from Dashboard > Log Monitor or Log > View. The two pages provide identical functionality.
For information on using Log Monitor, see “Log > View” on page 1349.