Appendix A: CLI Guide
SonicOS Enhanced 5.6 Administrator’s Guide
show tsr mirror-state Displays TSR data relating to database mirror
state statistics
show tsr msn Displays TSR data relating to the MSN
messenger client
show tsr nat-policies Displays TSR listing appliance’s current
network address translation policies
show tsr network Displays TSR data on current network
show tsr objects Displays TSR data on appliance’s object
show tsr pki Displays TSR data relating to current public
key infrastructure certificates
show tsr pppoe-client Displays TSR data relating to point-to-point-
protocol over Ethernet system settings
show tsr pptp-client Displays TSR data relating to point-to-point
tunneling protocol client configuration
show tsr pref-status Displays TSR listing appliance’s preferences
show tsr product Displays TSR data relating to the appliance
show tsr qos Displays TSR listing the appliance’s current
Quality of Service resource reservations
show tsr radius Displays TSR data relating to RADIUS server
show tsr route-policies Displays TSR data relating to established
system route policies
show tsr rtsp Displays TSR data relating to Real Time
Streaming Protocol statistics
show tsr schedule-objects Displays TSR data relating to data objects
scheduled for execution
show tsr service-objects Displays the service object table subsection of
the TSR
show tsr single-sign-on Displays TSR data relating to single sign on
authentication policies
show tsr sip Displays TSR data relating to the appliance’s
Session Initiation Protocol settings
show tsr snmp Displays TSR data relating to Simple Network
Management Protocol settings
show tsr sonicpoint Displays TSR data relating to SonicPoint
show tsr ssl-control Displays TSR data relating to Secure Socket
Layer control policies
show tsr stateful-stats Displays TSR data detailing stateful packet
inspection statistics
show tsr stateful-sync Displays TSR data detailing appliance’s
stateful synchronization configuration
show tsr status Displays TSR data relating to current appliance
Command Description