WAN Acceleration > Logs
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
WAN Acceleration > Logs
The WAN Acceleration > Log page provides a detailed list of the log event messages. On this
page, you can configure how the Logs are viewed.
Figure 36 WAN Acceleration > Log
Name Description
Minimum Priority Displays the log entries by minimum priority type.
Categories Displays the log entries by categories.
# Entries Selects the number of entries displayed in the logs list.
Refresh Refreshes the WAN Acceleration > Logs page. The refresh interval
can be entered in the box to the right of the Refresh symbol. The
interval can be increased to a maximum of 600 seconds.
Click the Refresh button to manually update the Logs page.
Click the Pause button to stop updates on the page
Time Displays the time the event was logged.
Priority Filters the log entries by priority type.
Category Filters the log entries by category type.
Message Filters the log messages by entering part of a message in the text
Filter by Filter the results by selecting from the drop-down lists and entering
text into the priority, category, and message text fields.
Export as CSV Download all logs as comma separated values for the time, priority,
category, and message fields.