VPN > Settings
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Exporting a VPN Client Policy
If you want to export the Global VPN Client configuration settings to a file for users to import
into their Global VPN Clients, follow these instructions:
Caution The GroupVPN SA must be enabled on the SonicWALL to export a configuration file.
Step 1 Click the Disk icon in the Configure column for the GroupVPN entry in the VPN Policies table.
The Export VPN Client Policy window appears.
Step 2 rcf format is required for SonicWALL Global VPN Clients is selected by default. Files saved
in the rcf format can be password encrypted. The SonicWALL provides a default file name for
the configuration file, which you can change.
Step 3 Click Yes. The VPN Policy Export window appears.
Step 4 Type a password in the Password field and reenter it in the Confirm Password field, if you
want to encrypt the exported file. If you choose not to enter a password, the exported file is not
Step 5 Click Submit. If you did not enter a password, a message appears confirming your choice.
Step 6 Click OK. You can change the configuration file before saving.
Step 7 Save the file.
Step 8 Click Close.
The file can be saved to a floppy disk or sent electronically to remote users to configure their
Global VPN Clients.