Security Services > Content Filter
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Note If you chose not to create a custom BWM object, you may use one of the pre-defined BWM
objects (BWM high, BWM medium, or BWM low).
Step 7 Optionally, select the Users/Groups who this policy is to be Included or Excluded on from the
dropdown list. Our example uses the defaults of including ‘all’ and excluding ‘none’.
Step 8 Optionally, select a Schedule of days and times when this rule is to be enforced from the
dropdown list. Our example uses the pre-defined ‘Work Hours’ selection to enforce this policy
only during weekday work hours.
Step 9 Optionally, select the checkbox for Log using CFS message format if you wish for the logs to
use this format instead of the standard Application Control format.
Step 10 Optionally, select the appropriate Zone where the policy is to be enforced. Our example uses
‘LAN’ to enforce the policy on all traffic traversing the local network.
Step 11 Click the OK button to create this policy.
Applying Policies to Multiple Groups
This section details applying a single policy to multiple user groups. CFS allows the
administrator to apply one policy to different groups, allowing for variation (in time restrictions,
exclusions, etc...) in the way it is applied to users.
To apply a policy to multiple groups:
• Enable CFS Custom Categories — page 1199
• Add a New CFS Custom Category Entry — page 1199