Firewall Settings > BWM
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Understanding Bandwidth Management
BWM is controlled by the SonicWALL Security Appliance on ingress and egress traffic. It allows
network administrators to guarantee minimum bandwidth and prioritize traffic based on access
rules created in the Firewall > Access Rules page on the SonicWALL management interface.
By controlling the amount of bandwidth to an application or user, the network administrator can
prevent a small number of applications or users to consume all available bandwidth. Balancing
the bandwidth allocated to different network traffic and then assigning priorities to traffic can
improve network performance. Anti-Spam for UTM provides eight priority queues (0 – 7 or
Realtime – Lowest).
Three types of bandwidth management are available:
When BWM is enabled on an interface, all of the traffic to and from that interface is bandwidth
managed. Let’s consider three examples for each of these three BWM types for an interface
with a link capacity of 100 Mbps.:
1. Bandwidth Management type is None – If there are three traffic types (1, 2, and 3) that
are using the interface, the cumulative capacity for all three types is 100 Mbps.
2. Bandwidth Management type is Global – If the available ingress and egress traffic are
configured to 10 Mbps, the following occurs:
By default, the traffic types are sent to the Medium (4) Priority queue. This queue has,
by default, a Guaranteed percentage of 50 and a Maximum percentage of 100.
These values mean that the cumulative link capability is 10 Mbps with no global BWM
enabled policies configured.
3. Bandwidth Management type is WAN – By default, the traffic types are sent to a default
queue created by the system which is at priority 7 which gets 0% guaranteed and 100%
Maximum. This means that this traffic will get up to 100% of the left over link bandwidth
Note Because each BWM rule consumes memory for packet queuing, the total number of allowed
BWM rules is limited to 100 total rules on the appliance.
BWM Type Description
WAN Only WAN zones can have assigned guaranteed and maximum bandwidth
to services and have prioritized traffic.
WAN BWM has eight Priority Queues 0 through 7, with 0 being the
highest. Queue 7 is Default Priority for all traffic that is not classified by
a BWM enabled rule\policy.
Global (Default) All zones can have assigned guaranteed and maximum band-
width to services and have prioritized traffic. When global BWM is enabled
on an interface, all of the traffic to and from that interface is bandwidth
Default Global BWM queues:
• 2 — High
• 4 — Medium: Default priority for all traffic that is not managed by a
BWM enabled Firewall Access rule or Application Control Policy.
• 6 — Low
None Disables BWM.