System > Administration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Tip If the Administrator Inactivity Timeout is extended beyond five minutes, you should end
every management session by clicking Logout to prevent unauthorized access to the
SonicWALL security appliance’s Management Interface.
The Enable administrator/user lockout setting locks administrators out of accessing the
appliance after the specified number of incorrect login attempts.
• Failed login attempts per minute before lockout specifies the number of incorrect login
attempts within a one minute time frame that triggers a lockout.
• Lockout Period (minutes) specifies the number of minutes that the administrator is locked
Multiple Administrators
The On preemption by another administrator setting configures what happens when one
administrator preempts another administrator using the Multiple Administrators feature. The
preempted administrator can either be converted to non-config mode or logged out. For more
information on Multiple Administrators, see “Multiple Administrator Support Overview” section
on page 1015.
• Drop to non-config mode - Select to allow more than one administrator to access the
appliance in non-config mode without disrupting the current administrator.
• Log Out - Select to have the new administrator preempt the current administrator.
Allow preemption by a lower priority administrator after inactivity of (minutes) - Enter
number of minutes of inactivity by the current administrator that will allow a lower-priority
administrator to preempt.
Enable inter-administrator messaging - Select to allow administrators to send text messages
through the management interface to other administrators logged into the appliance. The
message will appear in the browser’s status bar.
Messaging polling interval (seconds) - Sets how often the administrator’s browser will check
for inter-administrator messages. If there are likely to be multiple administrators who need to
access the appliance, this should be set to a reasonably short interval to ensure timely delivery
of messages.
Enable Administrator/User Lockout
You can configure the SonicWALL security appliance to lockout an administrator or a user if the
login credentials are incorrect. Select the Enable Administrator/User Lockout on login
failure checkbox to prevent users from attempting to log into the SonicWALL security appliance
without proper authentication credentials. Type the number of failed attempts before the user
is locked out in the Failed login attempts per minute before lockout field. Type the length of
time that must elapse before the user attempts to log into the SonicWALL again in the Lockout
Period (minutes) field.
Caution If the administrator and a user are logging into the SonicWALL using the same source IP
address, the administrator is also locked out of the SonicWALL. The lockout is based on the
source IP address of the user or administrator.