WAN Acceleration > WFS Acceleration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Hostname: Displays the hostname for the SonicWALL WXA series appliance. If an
account is created on the domain using the SonicWALL WXA series appli-
ance hostname, the SonicWALL WXA series appliance attempts to join the
domain. Click the Edit button to modify the hostname, Figure 14 on
page 1289
Note Changing the hostname requires the old computer account to
be manually deleted from the domain controller.
Kerberos Server: The FQDN of the Kerberos server on the Windows Domain. The port
number defaults to 88. This server is typically the domain controller.
To edit the server name, you must first unjoin the domain, and then click the
Edit button. The Kerberos Server pop-up window appears, Figure 15 on
page 1289.
LDAP Server: Sets the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server on the net-
work. The port number defaults to 389. This server is typically the domain
Joined Domain: Checkbox (Read-only) Indicates the device has joined the domain. If this option is not
check but the other checkboxes are, refer to Troubleshooting WFS Acceler-
ation, page 1346.
Machine Account Exists:
(Read-only) Indicates an account matching the hostname of the device is
found on the domain. There are three pre-requisites before the SonicWALL
WXA series appliance can join the domain:
1. The Machine Account Exists is the only checkbox enabled.
2. SELF must be delegated to join the domain.
3. The computer account password is set to the authorization code
(Auto-joining only with the WXA 2000 and 4000 appliances).
When an account is created on the domain using the devices hostname, the
device discovers the domain and should configure itself.
Trusted for Delegation:
(Read-only) Indicates that the computer account of the SonicWALL WXA
series appliance on the Domain Controller is trusted for delegation. When
this checkbox is checked, the computer account IS trusted for delegation.
This is a necessity and requires the administrator to configure the domain
controller to confirm that the SonicWALL WXA series appliance can be
trusted for delegation.
Other Device Settings Panel
Time Synchronization Source: Displays the server that the SonicWALL WXA series appliance will synchro-
nized its clock with. This server is usually the Domain Control because the
SonicWALL WXA series appliance must closely match that of the Domain
Click the Edit button to modify the server, Figure 16 on page 1290.
Primary DNS Server: (Read-only) Displays the current primary DNS server IP address, which
must be a domain DNS server for WFS Acceleration to function properly.
Secondary DNS Server: (Read-only) Displays the current secondary DNS server IP address.
Action Buttons
Advanced Options Configures the WFS Acceleration service in more detail with Client Signing,
Server Signing, and Max Transmit, which affect the CIFS packet size,
Figure 17 on page 1291.
Name Description