Security Services > Content Filter
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
If you trust content on specific domains and want them to be exempt from Restrict Web
Features, follow these steps to add them:
Step 1 Select the Do not block Java/ActiveX/Cookies to Trusted Domains checkbox.
Step 2 Click Add. The Add Trusted Domain Entry window is displayed.
Step 3 Enter the trusted domain name in the Domain Name field.
Step 4 Click OK. The trusted domain entry is added to the Trusted Domains table.
To keep the trusted domain entries but enable Restrict
Web Features, uncheck Do not block
Java/ActiveX/Cookies to Trusted Domains. To delete an individual trusted domain, click on
the Delete icon for the entry. To delete all trusted domains, click Delete All. To edit a trusted
domain entry, click the Edit icon.
CFS Exclusion List
IP address ranges can be manually added to or deleted from the CFS Exclusion List. For traffic
from IP addresses in the CFS Exclusion List, content filtering is disabled and the traffic is
allowed access through any firewall access rules that are set to allow only certain users without
requiring the user to be authenticated. If Single Sign On is enabled, that traffic will not initiate
SSO. These address ranges are treated as trusted domains. Select Enable CFS Exclusion
List to enable this feature.
The Do not bypass CFS blocking for the administrator checkbox controls content filtering
for administrators. By default, when the administrator (“admin” user) is logged into the SonicOS
management interface from a system, CFS blocking is suspended for that system’s IP address
for the duration of the authenticated session. If you prefer to provide content filtering and apply
CFS policies to the IP address of the administrator’s system, select the Do not bypass CFS
blocking for the administrator checkbox.
Adding Trusted Domains to the CFS Exclusion List
To add a range of IP addresses to the CFS Exclusion List, perform these tasks:
Step 1 Select the Enable CFS Exclusion List checkbox.
Step 2 Click Add. The Add CFS Range Entry window is displayed.
Step 3 Enter the first IP address in the range in the IP Address From: field and the last address in the
IP Address To: field.
Step 4 Click OK.
Step 5 Click Accept on the Security Services > Content Filter page. The IP address range is added
to the CFS Exclusion List.