Configuring WAN Acceleration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Enabling WFS Acceleration
Once you have configured the network interface for the port you want to connect the
SonicWALL WXA series appliance to the SonicWALL NSA or TZ series appliance, you can
configure WFS Acceleration.
Before you chose how you want to join the SonicWALL WXA series appliance to the domain,
you must enable WFS Acceleration on your SonicWALL NSA/TZ security appliance.
To configure WFS Acceleration on the SonicWALL NSA/TZ security appliance, perform the
following steps:
Step 1 Open a Web browser.
Step 2 Enter https://nsatzipaddress.
The SonicWALL user interface is displayed.
Step 3 Navigate to the WAN Acceleration > WFS Acceleration page.
Step 4 Select the Configuration tab.
Step 5 Click Enable WFS Acceleration, select X5 IP in the ‘Public’ WFS Acceleration Address:
drop-down, and then click Apply Changes.