SonicPoint > SonicPoints
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Modifications to profiles will not affect units that have already been provisioned and are in an
operational state. Configuration changes to operational SonicPoint devices can occur in two
• Via manual configuration changes – Appropriate when a single, or a small set of changes
are to be affected, particularly when that individual SonicPoint requires settings that are
different from the profile assigned to its zone.
Via un-provisioning – Deleting a SonicPoint unit effectively un-provisions th
e unit, or clears its
configuration and places it into a state where it will automatically engage the provisioning
process anew with its peer SonicOS device. This technique is useful when the profile for a zone
is updated or changed, and the change is set for propagation. It can be used to update firmware
on SonicPoints, or to simply and automatically update multiple SonicPoint units in a controlled
fashion, rather than changing all peered SonicPoints at once, which can cause service
Configuring a SonicPoint Profile for 802.11a or 802.11g
You can add any number of SonicPoint profiles. To configure a SonicPoint provisioning profile:
Step 1 To add a new profile click Add below the list of SonicPoint provisioning profiles. To edit an
existing profile, select the profile and click the edit icon in the same line as the profile you
are editing.
Step 2 In the General tab of the Add Profile window, specify:
Enable SonicPoint: Check this to automatically enable each SonicPoint when it is
provisioned with this profile.
Retain Settings: Check this to have the SonicPoints provisioned by this profile retain
these settings until the appliance is rebooted.
Enable RF Monitoring: Check this to enable RF monitoring on the SonicPoints.
Name Prefix: Enter a prefix for the names of all SonicPoints connected to this zone.
When each SonicPoint is provisioned it is given a name that consists of the name prefix
and a unique number, for example: “SonicPoint 126008.”
Country Code: Select the country where you are operating the SonicPoints. The
country code determines which regulatory domain the radio operation falls under.