Log > Flow Reporting
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
• “NetFlow Tables” on page 1381
External Flow Reporting Statistics
The External Flow Reporting Statistics apply to all external flows. This section shows reports
of the flows that are sent to the server, not collected, dropped, stored in and removed from the
memory, reported and non reported to the server. This section also includes the number of
NetFlow and IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) templates sent and general static flows
NetFlow/IPFIX Packets Sent Total number of IPFIX/NetFlow packets sent
to the external collector.
Connection Flows Enqueued Total number of connection related flows that
is collected so far.
Connection Flows Dequeued Total number of connection related flows that
have been reported either to internal
collectors or external collectors.
Connection Flows Dropped Total number of collected connection related
flows that failed to get reported.
Connection Flows Skipped Reporting Total number of connection related flows that
skipped reporting. This can happen when
running in periodic mode where collected
flows are more than configured value for
Non-Connection data Enqueued Total number of all non-connection related
data that has been collected.
Non-Connection data Dequeued Total number of all non-connection related
data that has been reported either to external
collectors or internal collectors.
Non-Connection data Dropped Total number of all non-connection related
data dropped due to too many requests.
NetFlow/IPFIX Templates sent Total number of templates that has been
reported to the external collector.
Non-Connection related static data
Total number of static non-connection related
data that has been reported. This includes
lists of applications/viruses/spyware/