VoIP Overview
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
SonicOS supports media streams from any CODEC - Media streams carry audio and video
signals that have been processed by a hardware/software CODEC (COder/DECoder) within the
VoIP device. CODECs use coding and compression techniques to reduce the amount of data
required to represent audio/video signals. Some examples of CODECs are:
• H.264, H.263, and H.261 for video
• MPEG4, G.711, G.722, G.723, G.728, G.729 for audio
VoIP Protocols that SonicOS Does Not Perform Deep Packet Inspection on
SonicWALL security appliances do not currently support deep packet inspection for the
following protocols; therefore, these protocols should only be used in non-NAT environments.
• Proprietary extensions to H.323 or SIP
• Megaco/H.248
• Cisco Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP)
• Proprietary protocols (Mitel’s MiNET, 3Com NBX, etc.)