System > Packet Monitor
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Configuring Mirror Settings
This section describes how to configure Packet Monitor mirror settings. Mirror settings provide
a way to send packets to a different physical port of the same firewall or to send packets to, or
receive them from, a remote SonicWALL firewall.
To configure mirror settings, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Navigate to the Dashboard > Packet Monitor page and click Configure.
Step 2 In the Packet Monitor Configuration window, click the Mirror tab.
Step 3 Under Mirror Settings, type the desired maximum mirror rate into the Maximum mirror rate (in
kilobits per second) field. If this rate is exceeded during mirroring, the excess packets will not
be mirrored and will be counted as skipped packets. This rate applies to both local and remote
mirroring. The default and minimum value is 100 kbps, and the maximum is 1 Gbps.
Step 4 Select the Mirror only IP packets checkbox to prevent mirroring of other Ether type packets,
such as ARP or PPPoE. If selected, this option overrides any non-IP Ether types selected on
the Monitor Filter tab.
Step 5 Under Local Mirror Settings, select the destination interface for locally mirrored packets in the
Mirror filtered packets to Interface (NSA platforms only) drop-down list.
Step 6 Under Remote Mirror Settings (Sender), in the Mirror filtered packets to remote Sonicwall
firewall (IP Address) field, type the IP address of the remote SonicWALL to which mirrored
packets will be sent.
Note The remote SonicWALL must be configured to receive the mirrored packets.