WAN Acceleration > TCP Acceleration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Statistics Tab
Figure 7 TCP Acceleration > Statistics
Name Description
Covering Period Click the Covering Period drop-down list and select the period of time
the data displays on the Statistics tab.
Refresh Actions Refreshes the WAN Acceleration > Statistics tab. The refresh interval
can be entered in the text field. The interval can be increased to a
maximum of 600 seconds.
Click the Refresh symbol to manually update the Statistics tab.
Click the Pause button to stop updates on the page.
Data and Graphs
Displays read-only data for the following:
• Egress/Ingress Total Data Reduction percentage
• Egress/Ingress WAN capacity increase factor
• New Connections
• Closed Connections
• Egress/Ingress data illustrated with bar graphs