Security Services > Anti-Spyware Service
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Registering Your SonicWALL Security Appliance
Step 1 Log into the SonicWALL security appliance management interface.
Step 2 If the System > Status page is not displaying in the management interface, click System in the
left-navigation menu, and then click Status.
Step 3 On the System > Status page, in the Security Services section, click the Register link. The Login page is displayed.
Step 4 Enter your account username and password in the User Name and
Password fields, then click Submit.
Step 5 The next several pages inform you about the free trials available to you for SonicWALL’s
Security Services:
Gateway Anti-Virus - Delivers real-time virus protection for your entire network.
Client Anti-Virus - Provides desktop and server anti-virus protection with software
running on each computer.
Premium Content Filtering Service - Enhances productivity by limiting access to
objectionable Web content.
Intrusion Prevention Service - Protects your network against worms, Trojans, and
application layer attacks.
Anti-Spyware - Protects your network from malicious spyware by blocking spyware
installations at the gateway and disrupts.
Click Continue on each p
Note Clicking on the Continue button does not activate the FREE TRIAL versions of these
SonicWALL Security Services.
Step 6 At the top of the Product Survey page, Enter a “friendly name” for your SonicWALL content
security appliance in the Friendly Name field. The friendly name allows you to easily identify
your SonicWALL content security appliance in your account.
Step 7 Please complete the Product Survey. SonicWALL uses this information to further tailor services
to fit your needs.
Step 8 Click Submit.
Step 9 When the server has finished processing your registration, a page is
displayed informing you that the SonicWALL security appliance is registered. Click Continue,
and the System > Licenses page is displayed showing you the available services. You can
activate the service from this page or the specific service page under the Security Services
left-navigation menu in the management interface.
Activating FREE TRIALs
You can try FREE TRIAL versions of SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, SonicWALL Anti-
Spyware, and SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service. You must activate each service
separately from the Manage Services Online table on the System > Licenses page or by
clicking the FREE TRIAL link on the respective Security Services page (i.e. Security Services
> Gateway Anti-Virus).