SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Chapter 39: Configuring Wireless IDS
Wireless > IDS
Wireless Intrusion Detection Services (IDS) greatly increase the security capabilities of the
SonicWALL wireless security appliances by enabling them to recognize and even take
countermeasures against the most common types of illicit wireless activity. WIDS consists of
three types of services, namely, Sequence Number Analysis, Association Flood Detection, and
Rogue Access Point Detection. Wireless IDS logging and notification can be enabled under
Log > Categories by selecting the WLAN IDS checkbox under Log Categories and Alerts.
Access Point IDS
When the Radio Role of the wireless security appliance is set to Access Point mode, all three
types of WIDS services are available, but Rogue Access Point detection, by default, acts in a
passive mode (passively listening to other Access Point Beacon frames only on the selected
channel of operation). Selecting Scan Now momentarily changes the Radio Role to allow the
wireless security appliance to perform an active scan, and may cause a brief loss of