Wireless > Virtual Access Point
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Deploying VAPs to the Wireless Radio
In the following section you will group and deploy your new VAPs, associating them with the
internal wireless radio. Users will not be able to access your VAPs until you complete this
• Grouping Multiple VAPs, page 511
• Associating a VAP Group with your Wireless Radio, page 511
Grouping Multiple VAPs
In this section, you will group multiple VAPs into a single group to be associated with your
Step 1 In the left-hand menu, navigate to the Wirelesst > Virtual Access Point page.
Step 2 Click the Add Group... button in the Virtual Access Point Group section.
Step 3 Enter a Virtual AP Group Name.
Step 4 Select the desired VAPs from the list and click the -> button to add them to the group.
Optionally, click the Add All button to add all VAPs to a single group.
Step 5 Press the OK button to save changes and create the group.
Step 6 To setup 802.11g WEP or 802.11a WEP/WPA encryption, or to enable MAC address filtering,
use the 802.11g and 802.11a tabs. If any of your VAPs use encryption, you must configure
these settings before your wireless VAPs will function.
Step 7 Click the OK button to save changes and create this Wireless Provisioning Profile.
Associating a VAP Group with your Wireless Radio
After your VAPs are configured and added to a VAP group, that group must be specified in the
Wireless > Settings page in order for the VAPs to be available through your internal wireless
Step 1 In the left-hand menu, navigate to the Wireless > Settings page.
Step 2 In the Wireless Virtual Access Point section, select the VAP group you created in Grouping
Multiple VAPs, page 511 from the V
irtual Access Point Group drop-down list. In this case, we
choose the default In
ternal AP Group as our Virtual AP Group.
Step 3 Click the Accept button to continue and associate this VAP group with your internal wireless
Note If you are setting up guest services for the first time, be sure to make necessary
configurations in the Users > Guest Services pages.