Network > ARP
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
You can enter the policy number (the number listed before the policy name in the # Name
column) in the Items field to move to a specific ARP entry. The default table configuration
displays 50 entries per page. You can change this default number of entries for tables on the
System > Administration page.
You can sort the entries in the table by clicking on the column header. The entries are sorted
by ascending or descending order. The arrow to the right of the column entry indicates the
sorting status. A down arrow means ascending order. An up arrow indicates a descending
Flushing the ARP Cache
It is sometimes necessary to flush the ARP cache if the IP address has changed for a device
on the network. Since the IP address is linked to a physical address, the IP address can change
but still be associated with the physical address in the ARP Cache. Flushing the ARP Cache
allows new information to be gathered and stored in the ARP Cache. Click Flush ARP Cache
to clear the information.
To configure a specific length of time for the entry to time out, enter a value in minutes in the
ARP Cache entry time out (minutes) field.