Network > Routing
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
The operation of the RIP and OSPF routing protocols is interface dependent. Each interface
and virtual subinterface can have RIP and OSPF settings configured separately, and each
interface can run both RIP and OSPF routers.
Configure RIP and OSPF for default routes received from Advanced Routing protocols as
Configuring RIP
To configure RIP routing on an interface, select the (Configure) icon in the interface’s row
under the “Configure RIP” column. This will launch the RIP Configuration window.
RIP Modes
• Disabled – RIP is disabled on this interface
• Send and Receive – The RIP router on this interface will send updates and process
received updates.
• Send Only – The RIP router on this interface will only send updates, and will not process
received updates. This is similar to the basic routing implementation.
• Receive Only – The RIP router on this interface will only process received updates.
• Passive – The RIP router on this interface will not process received updates, and will only
send updates to neighboring RIP routers specified with the CLI ‘neighbor’ command. This
mode should only be used when configuring advanced RIP options from the ars-rip CLI.
Receive (Available in ‘Send and Receive’ and ‘Receive Only’ modes)
• RIPv1 – Receive only broadcast RIPv1 packets.
• RIPv2 – Receive only multicast RIPv2 packets. RIPv2 packets are sent by multicast,
although some implementations of RIP routers (including basic routing on SonicWALL
devices) have the ability to send RIPv2 in either broadcast or multicast formats.