Wireless > Security
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
WPA2 and WPA EAP Settings
Encryption Mode: In the Authentication Type field, select either WPA-EAP, WPA2-EAP, or
WPA Settings
• Cypher Type: Select TKIP. Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is a protocol for
enforcing key integrity on a per-packet basis.
• Group Key Interval: Eenter the number of seconds before WPA automatically generates
a new group key.
Extensible Authentication Protocol Settings (EAP)
• Radius Server 1 IP and Port: Enter the IP address and port number for your primary
RADIUS server.
• Radius Server 1 Secret: Enter the password for access to Radius Server
• Radius Server 2 IP and Port: Enter the IP address and port number for your secondary
RADIUS server, if you have one.
• Radius Server 2 Secret: Enter the password for access to Radius Server
Click Apply in the
top right corner to apply your WPA settings.
WEP Encryption Settings
The SonicWALL security appliance offers the following WEP encryption options:
• WEP - Open system: In open-system authentication, the SonicWALL allows the wireless
client access without verifying its identity.
• WEP -Shared key: Uses WEP and requires a shared key to be distributed to wireless
clients before authentication is allowed.