Agilent Technologies U9072A cdma-2000 Blood Glucose Meter User Manual

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QPSK EVM Measurement
Marker X Axis Position (Remote Command Only)
Sets the marker X position in trace points. It has no effect if the control mode is Off, but is the SCPI
equivalent of entering a value if the control mode is
Normal or Delta except in trace points rather than X
Axis Scale units. The entered value is immediately translated into the current X Axis Scale units for
setting the value of the marker.
If the Marker Trace is set to I/Q Polar (POLar), this command provides no effects.
Notes If no suffix is sent it will use the fundamental units for the current marker X
Axis Scale. If a suffix is sent that does not match the current marker X Axis
Scale unit, an error “Invalid suffix” will be generated. If the specified marker
is Fixed and a Marker Function is on, error –221 “Settings conflict; cannot
adjust Fixed marker while Marker Function is on” is generated.
The query returns the marker’s absolute X Axis value if the control mode is
Normal, or the offset from the marker’s reference marker if the control mode
Delta. The query is returned in the fundamental units for the current marker
X Axis scale: Hz for
Frequency and Inverse Time, seconds for Period and
Time. If the marker is Off the response is not a number.
This parameter is only available in the case where the marker trace is set to
I/Q Polar.
Preset 0
State Saved No
Min –9.9E+37
Max 9.9E+37
Instrument S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command :CALCulate:EVMQpsk:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12:X
:POSition <real>