Agilent Technologies U9072A cdma-2000 Blood Glucose Meter User Manual

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Meas Setup
a running average.)
New avg = 10 log ((1/K)((K–1)(10Old avg/10)+10New data/10))
Equation assumes all values are in the decibel scale.
Voltage Avg
In this Average type, all filtering and averaging processes work on the voltage of the envelope of the
signal. This scale is good for observing rise and fall behavior of AM or pulse-modulated signals such as
radar and TDMA transmitters, but its response to noise-like signals is 1.049 dB lower than the average
power of those noise signals. This is compensated for in the
Marker Noise function.
In the equation for averaging on this scale (below), K is the number of averages accumulated. (In
continuous sweep mode, once K has reached the Average/Hold Number, K stays at that value.)
New avg = 20 log ((1/K)((K–1)(10Old avg/20)+10New data/20))
Equation assumes all values are in the decibel scale.
The limits key opens up a menu of keys to control the limits for the current measurement. Limits arrays
can be entered by the user, sent over SCPI, or loaded from a file.
Key Path Meas setup, Average Type
Notes See “Average Type” on page 1048
Couplings See “Auto” on page 1049
Pwr (RMS)
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00
Key Path
Meas setup, Average Type
Notes See “Average Type” on page 1048
Couplings See “Auto” on page 1049
Pwr (RMS)
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00
Key Path
Meas Setup
Dependencies This key will only appear if you have the proper option installed in your test