6.4 CD Measurement Function (Option)
6 - 76
(f) Design Value combo box
Specify an interval between cursors (two boxes) for CD measurement.
This parameter is specifiable in a range of 0.1 to 200 µm.
(g) Design Pitch combo box
Specify a pitch in the case of simultaneous width and pitch measurement.
This parameter is specifiable in a range of 0.1 to 200 µm.
(h) Search Area combo box
Specify a width of cursor box (edge detection area). This parameter is specifiable in
a range of 16 to 160 represented in unit of number of pixels.
NOTICE: In auto CD measurement, the vertical dimension (length) of cursor box indicates a
range of measurement, which varies according to the parameter settings mentioned
above and also according to the size of images under measurement. The vertical
length of box cursor is defined by the following expression; (Measurement Point - 1) ×
(Multi Pitch) + [(Summing Line) × (Measurement Pitch)] (unit: number of scan lines).
It is not allowed to exceed 480 scan lines in parameter input. Even if each parameter
is specified within its allowable range, therefore, parameter setting may not be
permitted in some combinations.
Fig. 6.4-12 Parameters vs Measurement Lines (parameters are examples)
Measurement pitch
(Measurement Pitch = 2)