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(4) Type of Measurement
Specify a type of measurement.
(a) Standard button
Select Standard for a single dimension measurement in X or Y direction or angle.
(b) W&P button
Select this button for simultaneous width and pitch measurement.
(c) Multiple check box
Click this for setting successive measurements. This is usable when Standard has
been selected.
(d) Profile check box
Click this for displaying a line profile. This is settable when measurement mode is
(5) Mode Selection
Select the measurement mode.
(a) Auto button
Selects auto measurement.
(b) Manual button
Selects manual measurement.
(6) Measurement Direction
Select a measurement direction.
(a) X button
Selects measurement in X (horizontal) direction.
(b) Y button
Selects measurement in Y (vertical) direction.
(c) Angle button
Selects an angle measurement. This is selectable when measurement mode is
(7) Edge Detect Direction
Select an edge detect direction of the cursor box that specifies the position including edge
to be detected, when X or Y has been selected as the measuring direction. This is
selectable when measurement mode is Auto. The icon changes with the type of
measurement and measurement mode. When Angle measurement has been selected,
then select the circle cursor for the side to be measured.