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(2) Small screen mode
Scanning image size is reduced to half. Image resolution is 640 × 480 pixels.
Faster scanning rate compared with Full screen mode may result in better image quality in
some cases. Magnification of displayed image is about 1.5 times the indication.
Fig. 3.9-3 Small Display Mode
(3) Dual screen mode
Two 640 × 480 pixel images are shown simultaneously. These two images can be live or
frozen independently, and can display different signals or the same signal. In this mode,
color mixing is available, while analysis modes (line, spot and area analysis) and split screen
modes are disengaged.
Fig. 3.9-4 Dual Mode
The Dual mode in some cases behaves differently from the Small mode:
• Signal selection
You can observe two images with different signals on two image screens simultaneously.
Use the Signal Select block of the operation panel.
Fig. 3.9-5 Signal Selection Control
Left side selection box is for left side (A screen) image, and right side box for right side
(B screen) image.