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4.5 What to Do in the Event of a Power Outage or the System must be Shut Down
Completely for a Long Time
(1) Perform routine shutdown operations (remove the specimen, shut down Windows, and turn
off the power).
See <3.8 Shutting Down>.
(2) Turn off the MAIN breaker located in the back of the main unit.
Fig. 4.5-1 MAIN Breaker
(3) Turn off the power breaker on the distribution board at the installation site.
4.6 What to Do when the Power Failure and the System is to be Started Up
When the power failure returns, the device is started according to the following procedure.
(1) Do the operation similar to section 4.5.
(Confirm that Main breaker on back of the main unit and the power breaker on the
distribution board at the installation site are OFF.)
(2) Turn on the power breaker on the distribution board at the installation site.
(3) Turn on the MAIN breaker located in the back of the main unit. For the Type I stage, make
sure that the DISPLAY breaker is on. If it is off, turn it on. For the Type II stage, confirm
that the DISPLAY and STAGE breakers are on. If they are off, turn them on.
(4) On the front side of the system unit, rotate the key switch to the START position, release it,
and perform the normal startup operations.
See <3.1.2 Startup Operation>.
MAIN breaker(ELB)