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Table 6.3-3 Event Command
Command Return Contents
HVOnChange 0 : HV-OFF
1 : HV-ON
HV changing
VaccChange 300-30000:0.3-30k
Acceleration voltage changing
HVOnFinished Completion of HV setting
VaccFinished Completion of acceleration
voltage setting
MagChange 5-300000:x5-x300k Magnification changing
WDChange 400-7000:4.00-
W.D. changing
ObjLensChange Coarse:0-16383
Focus value changing
ProbeCurrentChange 0-1000:0.0-100.0 Probe current changing
ABCFiniished Completion of ABCC
AFCFinished Completion of AFC
StagePositionChange Stage position changing
StagePositionFinished Completion of stage move
VacuumModeChange 0 : High vacuum
1 : Low vacuum
Vacuum mode changing
VacuumChange 6-270:6-270Pa Vacuum value changing
SemCommandFinished End of extension command