For Safe Handling
Caution Indicators
● Fatigue due to Long Hours of Operation
■ In operating the system while viewing the display, looking at the
display for long hours at the same posture can build up fatigue in
the eyes or body. For your health, when operating the system
for long hours, take a break 10 to 15 minutes every hour or so to
rest your eyes and body.
(Chapter 3 Operation)
● Injury from Lifting Heavy Objects
■ The goniometer (stage) is a heavy object. Removing the stage
involves the risk of dropping it accidentally, injury hands or feet.
To avoid the danger, do not remove the stage from the system
(Chapter 2 System Configuration)
■ The rotary pump is a heavy object weighing approximately 30 kg.
When moving the rotary pump, it should be lifted by at least two
persons to prevent your hands or feet from getting caught.
(Chapter 4 Maintenance)
■ The weight is a heavy object, weighing as much as 40 kg. Any
installation or relocation of the weight must be performed by
Hitachi or a service department authorized by Hitachi. The
weight should not be lifted by customer personnel.
(Chapter 1 Specifications and Installation Requirement)
● Injury from Getting Caught in a Heavy Object
■ The goniometer (stage) is a heavy object. When replacing
specimens, be sure to operate the stage by grasping the handle.
(Chapter 3, Operation)