3 - 77 Stage History Function
Displays present position and registered positions on a specimen picture with trajectory lines
showing the order of registration.
Click the Disp button in the XYR block on the Stage tab. The Stage History dialog box will open.
Fig. 3.5-50 History Display Box
(1) Display
The white circle represents the stub size. The red cross indicates beam irradiation point.
The green points are registered points. And the blue point is selected point.
Lines connecting registered points show the stage movement history.
The Comment field automatically shows the conditions under which the information was
recorded, such as Register (registered using the Reg button), Capture, or Photo.
Appropriate comments should be entered after these indicators.
(2) Registration
Stage coordinates are registered automatically by capturing, photographing and moving to
home or specimen exchange position.
Also clicking Reg button on the dialog window or in the XYR block on the Stage tab
registers present stage position.
(3) Retrieving registered stage coordinates
To retrieve a registered coordinate and go to the position, select a point by clicking the point
on the display, or select its number in the Select box. The selected point is changed to
blue color. Click Go button to go to the position representing the selected point.