3.6 Saving and Recording Images
3 - 108 Direct Photo Recording
Direct Photo mode takes a photograph while directly scanning the electron beam.
It generally shows better image quality compared to the Memory Photo mode.
To start recording, click the Photo
button on the Control panel or select the Direct
Photo command from the File menu.
The scanning speed and other conditions can be selected in the Setup dialog window - Record
tab. Memory Photo Recording
Memory Photo mode can reproduce photographs of memorized or filed images. It is also
possible to take a photograph of an image formed using Fast scan integration method, which is
useful for observation of charge sensitive samples.
(1) Photographing frozen scanning image
To take a photograph of a frozen scanning image, click the Memory Photo
button on
the Control panel, or select the Memory Photo command from the File menu.
In the case of recording a frozen image, the image resolution depends on screen size, 1280
x 960 pixels for full screen and 640 x 480 pixels for small and dual screen mode.
(2) Photographing images from the Captured Image window
It is also possible to take a photograph of a captured image by clicking the Photo
button in the Captured Image window.
On the window;
1) Select an image by clicking a thumbnail. The selected image is shown with yellow
2) Click the Photo
button in the Captured Image window.
When the Embed into Image has been checked, auto data display and texts and
graphics written using Data Entry function are overlaid on image. (Note that the data is
at the time capture was executed.)
(3) Photographing saved images
To take a photograph of a saved image from disk, use SEM Data Manager.