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2.3.19 Split/Dual Mag Controller
Split Screen mode displays two images in the viewing area, and allows images having different
signals and at different magnifications to be displayed. To open this controller, select the Split
DM command from the Scan menu.
For switching detectors, click the Detector button so that detector-setting control will expand and
display a menu.
Fig. 2.3-52 Split/Dual Controller
Refer to <3.9.2 Split Screen and Dual Mag mode>.
2.3.20 Using Short-cut Keys
Short-cut keys are available for execution of many commands.
(1) Using short-cut keys
Input Alt + [underlined character in a main menu command] opens the pull-down menu.
And then, [underlined character in a pull-down menu] executes the command.
For example, Alt + F opens the File menu and S key executes the Direct Save command.
While a pull-down menu is open, arrow keys ↑(←)↓(→)select commands in order.
The Enter key executes the selected command.
(2) Using Ctrl + ~ keys or Functions keys
Some frequently used commands are executed using this type of short-cut keys.
They are;
Ctrl + O: Open SEM Data Manager
Ctrl + P: Print
Ctrl + C Copy Image
Ctrl + L: Open Captured Image window
F1: Help can be opened
F2: Activates the Degauss function
F5: Runs or stops scanning alternately