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(1) Setting the backscattered electron detector (BSE)
Selecting the BSE option in the DETECTOR block produces a BSE image. This menu can
be used to set the type of BSE signal, COMP, TOPO or 3D, and the amount of gains to be
Fig. 3.5-5 BSE Menu
(a) COMP mode
The COMP mode allows the observation of a composition image by exploiting the
atomic number effect that the lighter the atomic weight of an element, the darker is the
backscattered electron signal, and the heavier the element, the brighter the signal.
Pressing the COMP mode button again reverses the composition image, from black to
white and from white to black, and this is repeated each time the button is pressed.
Fig. 3.5-6 COMP Mode
(b) TOPO mode
Based on the difference in signal between oppositely disposed detector sensors, this
mode permits the observation of topographic images. Each pressing of the TOPO
mode button changes the direction of shading by 90 degrees.
Fig. 3.5-7 TOPO Mode