App. - 59
(4) Menu D) Input/output settings
Symbol Name Initial Value Units
0170 PD01
For manufacturer setting 0000h
0171 PD02 0000h
0172 PD03 0000h
0173 PD04 0000h
0174 PD05 0000h
0175 PD06 0000h
0176 PD07 *DO1 Output signal device selection 1 (CN3-13) 0005h
0177 PD08 *DO2 Output signal device selection 2 (CN3-9) 0004h
0178 PD09 *DO3 Output signal device selection 3 (CN3-15) 0003h
0179 PD10
For manufacturer setting 0000h
017A PD11 0004h
017B PD12 0000h
017C PD13 0000h
017D PD14 *DOP3 Function selection D-3 0000h
017E PD15 *IDCS Driver communication setting 0000h
017F PD16 *MD1 Driver communication setting Master transmit data selection 1 0000h
0180 PD17 *MD2 Driver communication setting Master transmit data selection 2 0000h
0181 PD18
For manufacturer setting 0000h
0182 PD19 0000h
0183 PD20 0000h
0184 PD21 0000h
0185 PD22 0000h
0186 PD23 0000h
0187 PD24 0000h
0188 PD25 0000h
0189 PD26 0000h
018A PD27 0000h
018B PD28 0000h
018C PD29 0000h
018D PD30 TLC Master/slave operation torque command factor on the slave 0000h %
018E PD31 VLC Master/slave operation speed limit factor on the slave 0000h %
018F PD32 VLL Master/slave operation speed limit factor adjustment value on
the slave
0000h r/min