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8.1.1 Synchronous mode
Through providing the master and slave axes the same position command, they move together. Each axis
uses a feedback signal position loop, speed loop, and current loop for control.
8.1.2 Non-synchronous micro-adjustment control mode
Non-synchronous micro-adjustment control mode temporarily cancels synchronizing in order to adjust the
position balance between the master axis and the slave axis. This enables submitting different position
commands to each of the axes. This can only be done using incremental feed or JOG operation.
When home position return has been completed, even if the tandem drive mode is switched to non-
synchronous micro-adjustment mode, the system is not switched to non-home position return complete (home
position return request (ZREQ) is not ON). After the mode is switched to the synchronous mode, automatic
operation and linear interpolation can be performed without re-performing home position return.
If the synchronization setting (parameter No.0265) is set to valid,
synchronization is not completed when the mode is switched to the non-
synchronous micro-adjustment mode. When the mode is switched to the
synchronous mode again, turn the servo off and then on, then perform
synchronization. When automatic operation or linear interpolation is
performed with synchronization incomplete, the tandem drive synchronous
alignment error (operation error 58, detail 02) occurs.
When the synchronization setting (parameter No.0265) is set to invalid, the
operation in the synchronization mode is performed based on the master axis
holding deviation between master axis and slave axis at switching the mode
to the synchronization mode.