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6.31.6 Stop factors during continuous operation to torque control
Stop factor
Stop method Alarm/Error
The press limit position was reached. Immediate stop Operation alarm 5D, detail No.03
Control mode was changed to position control mode during travel in
continuous operation to torque control mode (before target torque is
Deceleration stop Operation alarm 5D, detail No.07
Interference check conditions were satisfied.
(Including interference check standby)
Immediate stop Operation alarm 45, detail No.01
A control mode that cannot be switched to was input to the control mode
command, and control mode switch was conducted.
Deceleration stop Operation alarm 2E, detail No.02 or 04
Operation mode was changed. Deceleration stop Operation alarm 23, detail No.01
Servo off was performed. Rapid stop Operation alarm B3, detail No.01
Forced stop (external forced stop or software forced stop) was turned ON. Immediate stop Operation alarm 12, detail No.01
Stop operation (STP) was turned ON. Deceleration stop —
Rapid stop (RSTP) was turned ON. Rapid stop —
Limit switch was turned ON. Immediate stop Operation alarm A0, detail No.01 or 02
Interlock was turned ON. Rapid stop Operation alarm 5D, detail No.04
Control of servo amplifier is no longer possible. (disconnected) Immediate stop System error E400
Operation alarm B0, detail No.02
A servo alarm occurred. Immediate stop Operation alarm B1, detail No.01