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5.5.8 Home position return using a limit switch combined method
The Z-phase prior to the limit switch of the opposite direction to the home position return direction is defined as
the home position.
(Note 3)
Limit switch
Creep speed
Home position
(Note 1, 2)
Home position return speed
Home position return direction
Start operation
Amount of home
position shift
Z-phase pulse
Note 1. The amount of home position offset is set to the amount of shift in the home position (parameter No.0248, 0249).
2. If the amount of shift in the home position is zero, the servo stops above the Z-phase.
3. Polarity of the limit switch signal is only defined for normally-closed contact.
5.5.9 Home position return using a limit switch front end method
In the home position return using a limit switch front end method, the limit switch front end that is opposite to
the home position direction is defined as the home position.
Home position return direction
Start operation
Home position return speed
Home position
(Note 1 and 2)
Creep speed
(Note 3)
Limit switch
Amount of home
position shift
Note 1. The amount of home position offset is set to the amount of shift in the home position (parameter No.0248, 0249).
2. If the amount of shift in the home position is zero, the servo stops at the limit switch front end.
3. Polarity of the limit switch signal is only defined for normally-closed contact.
A dispersion of the home position occurs depending on the detection timing of
the limit switch front end. When this dispersion is a problem, the dispersion
can be smaller by reducing the creep speed.