7 - 7
(3) Operation alarm
Operation alarm is an alarm a position board raises in each axis by incorrect setting of a system parameter
or each function. When an operation alarm occurs, during operation alarm signal (OALM) turns on and the
alarm number and the detail number are stored in Operation alarm number and Specific operation alarm
number. To reset the operation alarm, turn on the operation alarm reset signal (ORST).
Parameter error (operation alarm 37) and system setting error (operation
alarm 38) cannot be reset with the operation alarm reset signal. Check the
cause of the alarm and treatment, and start the system again.
If another operation alarm occurs while the operation alarm is occurring, the
first operation alarm is notified to the operation alarm number. By using log
function, the history of the operation alarm number can be checked.
(4) System error
System error occurs in the case when positioning control cannot be continued, such as when a hardware
error of a position board occurs, when SSCNET communication error occurs. Error code of the system
error is stored in the system status code.
System error cannot be reset. Reboot the software as necessary and start the
system again.
If another system error occurs while the system error is occurring, the error
code of the system status code is overwritten. By using log function, the
history of the system error occurred while system is running can be checked.