9 - 1
9.1 Summary
Interface mode is a function for sending the commands for every operation cycle (position commands, speed
commands and torque commands) straight to the servo amplifier. By using this function, any given
acceleration/deceleration pattern, speed pattern, or torque pattern is possible.
To use interface mode, designate "1: Interface mode" with system option 2 (parameter No.0002), and perform
system startup after setting Interface mode option (parameter No.000F).
When system startup is performed in interface mode, operation modes from standard mode such as JOG
operation, automatic operation, etc. cannot be used.
The host controller controls the servo amplifier by updating the contents of the command buffer at a timing of
either when the host controller receives the interrupt output for each control cycle given by the position board
(when interrupt output is valid), or at any given timing (when interrupt output is invalid).
When interrupt output is valid, position control mode, speed control mode, and torque control mode can be
used. When interrupt output is invalid, only position control mode can be used.
(1) Software version A3
Only position control mode can be used.
(2) Software version A4 or later
Position control mode, speed control mode, and torque control mode can be used.
• When using interface mode, all axes operate in interface mode. Cannot
operate some axes in standard mode during interface mode.
• Cannot switch control modes (standard mode and interface mode) after
system startup.
• When using the test operation function of MR Configurator2 connected to the
position board with a USB connection, the position board stops importing
commands. If the test operation function is executed while motors are
rotating, they come to a stop. Be sure to perform test operation after stopping
The system must be restarted to control with commands from the position
board again.
For details on test operation refer to Servo Amplifier Instruction Manual, and
help of MR Configurator2.
• The test tool is not compatible with interface mode.
It can get monitors and graphs of servo information.
• For a detailed procedure for interface mode, refer to the sample program
(InterruptIfmDrive/PollingIfmDrive) contained on the utility software.
• When the response of the host controller operating system is not on time due
to the load of the user program etc., increase the number of position
command buffers to be used (position control only), or set the command data
update cycle longer.