6 - 110
(3) Mark detection command/status data
(a) Mark detection command table
Address Name
When in
tandem drive
B4F0 Read complete buffer number 1 0 to 255 Set the mark detection data table number that
was read after reading the mark detection edge
data and mark detection positioning data of
mark detection 1.
Each axis
B4F1 Read complete buffer number 2 0 to 255 Same as read complete buffer number 1. Each axis
Note. The addresses above are the addresses for the first axis. For the second axis and after, increase by 20h for each axis.
(b) Mark detection status table
Address Name Output limits Remarks
When in
tandem drive
B500 Start data storage area 1 0 to 63 Stores the start number of latch data storage
for the mark detection signal set in mark
detection signal number specification 1
(parameter No.02B0).
Each axis
B501 Number of continuous latch data
storages 1
0 to 64 Stores the number of continuous latch data
storages set in mark detection signal number
specification 1 (parameter No.02B0).
(Stores 0 for axes not using the mark detection
Each axis
B502 Mark detection counter 1 Continuous
0 to 255
No. of
0 to 64
Counter that is incremented when latch data for
the mark detection signal set in mark detection
signal number specification 1 (parameter
No.02B0) is stored.
In continuous detection mode, the count starts
again from 1 after the 255th count.
In ring buffer mode, the count starts again from
1 after the number of continuous latch data
storages has been reached.
In specified number of detection mode, and
ring buffer mode use a "clear command" to
clear to 0.
Each axis
B503 Mark detection mode 1 0 to 2 Stores the mark detection mode for mark
detection set in mark detection signal number
specification 1 (parameter No.02B0).
• 0: Continuous detection mode
• 1: Specified number of detection mode
• 2: Ring buffer mode
Each axis
Note. The addresses above are the addresses for the first axis. For the second axis and after, increase by 20h for each axis.