Differences Between G2 and G3r EAS
Issue 4 September 1995
■ G2.2 restricts calls queuing to multiple skills simultaneously to skills in the
same skill tens group. This also applies to VDN skills. G3 allows calls to
queue to any three skills simultaneously.
■ G2.2 administers agents to a default skill and the agents enter their other
skills after logging in. G3 administers all of the agents’ skills, and the
agents are logged into all of their assigned skills during login. G3 agents
cannot change their skills.
■ CMS can only change an agent’s default skill on G2.2 (when the agent is
unstaffed). CMS can change all skills for an agent on G3 (change affected
the next time the agent logs in).
■ G2.2 does not support primary/secondary skills for agents. This also
implies G2.2 does not support expert agent distribution (EAD). G3 does
support primary/secondary agent skill assignments and EAD.
■ On G2.2, when a change is made to a VDN skill preference, only new
calls to the VDN will be impacted by the change. On G3 when a change
is made to a VDN preference, existing calls will be impacted as they
encounter a vector step that references the VDN skill preference.