Call Vectoring Commands
A-30 Issue 4 September 1995
reported as ‘‘Flow Out.’’ Calls directed via the command are tracked as
ANSBACK, and they are reported as ‘‘No. Calls Ans in Backup.’’
If the call abandons after the command queues the call to a split (skill),
ABNCALLS/ABNTIME is tracked for the vector, the VDN, and the first split (skill)
to which the call is currently queued. The call is reported as ‘‘No. Aban Calls’’
and ‘‘Avg Aban Time.’’ If the call is also queued to other splits (skills),
OUTFLOWCALLS/OUTFLOWTIME is tracked in these splits (skills), and the call is
reported as ‘‘Flow Out.’’
BCMS Interactions
The total number of calls to the VDN that are queued via the command and then
answered by an agent within a specified time period is tracked as ‘‘NUM ANS’’ in
the VDN Report. The average time that calls spend in a vector before being
connected via the command as an ACD call to an agent is tracked as ‘‘AVG TIME
TO CONNECT’’ in the same report.