ANI Routing
Issue 4 September 1995
Figure 7-1. ANI Routing Example
In Step 2 calls that do not have ANI associated with them are routed to an
operator. Step 3 routes calls from a specific phone to a specified extension. Step
4 routes local calls (those with 7 or fewer digits) to a different vector. Steps 5 and
6 route calls from area codes 212 and 202 to a different vector. Calls that are not
rerouted by the previous steps are then queued.
Vector Routing Tables with ANI
You can also test ANI against entries in a Vector Routing Table.
Vector Routing Tables contain a list of numbers that can be used to test a
command. ANI can be tested to see if it is either
the specified
table. Entries in the tables can also include the “+” and/or “?” wildcard.
The following figure gives an example of a Vector Routing Table with ANI values.
The table contains most of the area codes for the state of California.
1. wait-time 4 secs hearing silence
2. goto step 13 if ani = none
3. goto step 12 if ani = 3035367326
4. goto vector 74920 if ani <= 9999999
5. goto vector 43902 if ani = 212+
6. goto vector 43902 if ani = 202+
7. wait-time 0 seconds hearing ringback
8. queue-to main split 16 pri m
9. wait-time 120 seconds hearing 32567 then continue
10. announcement 32456
11. goto step 9 if unconditionally
12. route-to number 34527 with cov y if unconditionally
13. route-to number 0 with cov n if unconditionally
14. busy