Tracking Unexpected Vector Events
Issue 4 September 1995
90 Wait step music failed A
step with music was
accessed, but the music was not
connected. Music may not be
administered correctly.
91 Wait step ringback failed A
step with ringback was
accessed, but the ringback was not
100 Redirect unanswered call The call was sent to an agent via a vector,
but, due to the Redirection on No Answer
(RONA) feature, the call was redirected
from the ringing agent.
101 Redirect of call failed The call was sent to an agent via a vector,
but, due to the Redirection on No Answer
(RONA) feature, the call was redirected
from the ringing agent. The call could not
be redirected.
110 Converse no ANI digits On a
step with passing type
, no information was available to
populate the field.
111 Converse no qpos digits On a
step with passing type
, no information was available to
populate the field.
112 Converse no prompt digits On a
step with passing type
, no information was available to
populate the field.
113 Converse drop during data On a
step, the converse
agent hung up while data was being
passed. This may indicate a port failure.
115 ASAI transfer converse ASAI attempted a transfer of a call that
was active at a
step. The
transfer failed, and vector processing
continued at the next vector step.
116 Converse transfer denied A transfer of a call that was active at a
step was attempted. The
transfer either failed or was denied, and
vector processing continued at the next
vector step.
117 Agent drops converse While active on a
step, an
agent became available in a split
associated with a
queue-to main split
check-backup split
step. The call was
delivered to the nonconverse agent, and
the converse agent was dropped.
Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
Event Event Event
Type Description Explanation