Look-Ahead Interflow
8-2 Issue 4 September 1995
will be disconnected. This command with coverage y should only be used
for those cases when an unconditional interflow is wanted (with Look-
Ahead Interflow active) and the terminating switch is set up accordingly.
Functions and Examples
When a Look-Ahead Interflow call attempt is made, Call Vectoring at the sending
location checks a potential receiving location to determine whether to hold or
send the call. While this is done, the call remains in queue at the sending
location. As such, the call can still be connected to the sending-location agent (if
one becomes available) before the receiving location accepts the call.
Call Vectoring at the receiving location decides whether to accept the call from
the sending location or to instruct the sending location to keep the call. In the
latter case, the sending location can then either keep the call, check other
locations, or provide some other treatment for the call. Conditions for sending,
refusing, or receiving a Look-Ahead Interflow call attempt can include a
combination of any of the following: number of calls in queue, average speed of
answer or expected wait time for a split, number of staffed or available agents,
the number of calls active in a VDN, time of day and day of week, or any other
If the call is accepted by the receiving switch, the call is removed from any
queues at the sending switch, and call control is passed to the receiving switch.
If the call is denied by the receiving switch, vector processing simply continues
at the next step at the sending switch. Until the call is accepted by either switch,
the caller continues to hear any tones applied by the sending switch. Should the
call be denied, the call vector may then apply alternate treatment, such as
placing another Look-Ahead Interflow call to an alternate backup switch.
It is important to note that the Look-Ahead Interflow operation is completely
transparent to the caller. While a Look-Ahead Interflow call attempt is being
made, the caller continues to hear any audible feedback provided by the
sending switch vector. The caller also maintains his or her position in any
split queues until the call is accepted at the receiving switch.
Look-Ahead interflow does not pass Call Prompting digits collected in the
sending switch to the receiving switch. Therefore, when used with LAI, Call
Prompting should be used to collect digits only after the last possible
interflow. Alternately these digits can be passed to a CallVisor/ASAI
application, which can include them in the UUI field of the call. UUI is
passed to the receiving switch in the SETUP message.