Call Vectoring Applications
11-22 Issue 4 September 1995
Figure 11-13. Example 7B: Process Involving General Number
After the number is dialed, the call is directed to VDN 3111, which points to
Vector 1. Note there are no Skill Preferences assigned to VDN 3111. Also, VDN
3111 is the only VDN administered to point to Vector 1. Therefore, this VDN is
used for calls from all states.
collect digits
command in Step 2 of the previous vector first requests the
caller to enter the appropriate 2-digit state code and then collects the digits.
Let’s assume that the caller enters the correct code for Texas, which is ‘‘05.’’ In
such a case, the
converse-on skill
command in Step 3 delivers the call to the
converse Skill if there is a queue for the Skill and the queue is not full, or if a VRU
port is available.
command is discussed in Chapter 4.
When the VRU port responds, the step then outpulses the state code ‘‘05’’ to the
VRU via the
passing digits
parameter included in the command. Once the VRU
receives this state code, the VRU in turn outpulses the Texas VDN (3222) to the
switch. Thereafter, the
collect digits
command in Step 4 collects the digits
comprising this VDN. Finally, the
route-to digits
command in Step 5 routes the
call to Texas VDN 3222, which points to Vector 2 (illustrated in the previous
Call-Back Provisions
After a caller makes a reservation for a resort site, the caller is given a call-back
number. Such a number is helpful if the caller needs more information or would
like to check on some arrangement that was previously made. The following
figure illustrates one approach for enabling call-back provisions:
. . .
VDN 3111
Skill Pref 1: none
Skill Pref 2:
Skill Pref 3:
General Number
Vector 1:
1. wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
2. collect 2 digits after announcement
1000 (‘‘Please enter a 2-digit state code.’’)
3. converse-on skill 20 pri l passing digits
and none
4. collect 4 digits after announcement 1001
(from the VRU)
5. route-to digits with coverage n
. . .
state VDN=
Texas 3222
New Mexico 3244