Expert Agent Selection
10-8 Issue 4 September 1995
It is recommended that the 1st skill administered to a VDN be the skill required or
desired to service a call to that VDN. The 2nd and 3rd skills administered to a
VDN should represent other skills that are allowed to handle calls to that VDN. All
skills to a VDN are optionally administered.
The following table illustrates how skill preferences can be assigned to the five
VDNs used for the auto club that we discussed earlier. For each VDN, the
corresponding call type and the number of the vector to which the VDN points
are indicated. Be sure to refer back to Table 10-4 for a description of each skill.
From the table, note that two VDNs point to Vector 3, two VDNs point to Vector 2,
and one VDN points to Vector 1. Note also that a 1st and 3rd VDN skill
Preference, but no 2nd VDN skill Preference, are assigned to VDN 2222. Such a
scenario implies that the call to this VDN (if not already answered) will wait longer
before queuing to the backup skill (Supergroup-99, in our example), provided the
vector is designed to execute accordingly.
Table 10-5. Example of VDN Skill Preferences Assignments
Skill Preferences
Call type VDN 1st 2nd 3rd Vector
General number 5555 1
Emergency Road
Service (English)
1111 11 22 99 3
Emergency Road
Service (Spanish)
2222 22 99 2
Route Planning
3333 33 44 99 3
Route Planning
4444 44 99 2