Table C-16. SP_BAUD Values When Using the Internal Clock at 25 MHz
Baud Rate
SP_BAUD Register Value (Note 1) % Error
Mode 0 Mode 1, 2, 3 Mode 0 Mode 1, 2, 3
9600 8515H 80A2H 0 0.15
4800 8A2BH 8144H 0 0.16
2400 9457H 828AH 0 0
1200 A8AFH 8515H 0 0
300 (Note 2) 9457H (Note 2) 0
1. Bit 15 is always set when the internal peripheral clock is selected as the clock source for the baud-
rate generator.
2. For mode 0 operation at 25 MHz, the minimum baud rate is 381.47 (BAUD_VALUE = 7FFFH).
For mode 0 operation at 300 baud, the maximum internal clock frequency is 19.6608 MHz