Table A-9 lists instructions alphabetically within groups, along with their execution times, ex-
pressed in state times.
Table A-9. Instruction Execution Times (in State Times)
Arithmetic (Group I)
Mnemonic Direct Immed.
Indirect Indexed
Normal Autoinc. Short Long
ADD (2 ops) 4 5 68796879
ADD (3 ops) 5 6 710811710811
ADDB (2 ops) 4 4 68796879
ADDB (3 ops) 5 5 710811710811
ADDC 4 5 68796879
ADDCB 4 4 68796879
CLR 3 — ————————
CLRB 3 — ————————
CMP 4 5 68796879
CMPB 4 4 68796879
CMPL 7 — ————————
DEC 3 — ————————
DECB 3 — ————————
EXT 4 — ————————
EXTB 4 — ————————
INC 3 — ————————
INCB 3 — ————————
SUB (2 ops) 4 5 68796879
SUB (3 ops) 5 6 710811710811
SUBB (2 ops) 4 4 68796879
SUBB (3 ops) 5 5 710811710811
SUBC 4 5 68796879
SUBCB 4 4 68796879
NOTE: The column entitled “Reg.” lists the instruction execution times for accesses to the register file or
peripheral SFRs. The column entitled “Mem.” lists the instruction execution times for accesses to
all memory-mapped registers, I/O, or memory. See Table 5-1 on page 5-4 for address information.