Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 88
appears when you click Show Call Details (in the Actions list). See Call Details Dialog Box on page 88 for
descriptions of the data.
The following table describes the parts of the Active Calls list.
See also:
Device Management on page 87
Call Details Dialog Box on page 88
Endpoints on page 91
Call Details Dialog Box
The Call Details dialog box appears when you click Show Call Details on the Active Calls page or Call
History page. It provides detailed information about the selected call.
The following table describes the fields in the dialog box.
Note: Cluster vs. Supercluster Call Statistics
If a call traverses multiple clusters in a supercluster, it’s counted as a single call, but it appears in the
results of each cluster it touches when you search by cluster. Therefore, the sum of the number of
calls for each cluster may be greater than the total number of calls for the entire supercluster.
Column Description
(Pin State) Click to pin a call, moving it to the top list and keeping its information available
even if the call ends. Click again to unpin it.
Start Time Time the call began (first signaling event).
Originator Source of the call (the device’s display name, if available; otherwise, its name,
alias, or IP address, in that order of preference). If the originator is an MCU,
the MCU name.
Dial String Dial string sent by originator, when available.
Destination Destination of the call (the device’s display name, if available; otherwise, its
name, alias, or IP address, in that order of preference). If the destination is an
MCU, the MCU name.
Bit Rate Bit rate (kbps) of the call. A down arrow indicates that the call was
downspeeded. Hover over it to see details.
Class of Service Class of service (Gold, Silver, or Bronze) of the call.